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Volunteering at the FedEx Family House

The FedEx Family House is a place that is near and dear to the hearts of us in the School Planner Company Customer Account Manager team, or “CAM-ily” as we call it. Whether raised in Memphis or new to the city, everyone here knows the importance both FedEx and Le Bonheur play in our community.

Le Bonhuer Children’s Hospital is one of the foremost leaders in children’s pediatrics, with families travelling from all over the world to receive care from their team of highly accredited medical professionals. One of our own CAM team members, Laine, had the scary yet life-saving experience of spending time at Le Bonheur.

Our Stories

When Laine’s daughter, Lydia, was five days old her newborn screening showed she had a metabolic disorder. Fifteen days after her birth, Lydia was diagnosed with 3MCC, a rare disease that doesn’t allow her body to make the enzyme needed to breakdown protein, causing a buildup of acid in her bloodstream.

CAM Team volunteering at the FedEx Family House

“In those 10 days I only went home once. I was afraid something terrible would happen and I’d be an hour away.” 

– Laine, Customer Account Manager

Thanks to FedEx’s partnership with Le Bonheur families no longer have that concern. The FedEx Family House provides free, hotel-like accommodations for out-of-town families of patients at Le Bonheur.

I, too, had a similar experience. When my son was born, his birth-weight was low and doctors were unable to stabilize his blood sugar. He spent the first four days of his life in the NICU as doctors worked tirelessly to sustain it. I remember being so afraid, and so indignant that I was not leaving his side.

FedEx House Volunteer Day

Being able to volunteer at the FedEx Family House was such a wonderful experience for the entire CAM team. The families were extremely appreciative of our efforts, and happy to see the community at large pitching in. The date had great meaning to us as a team, as well. 

February 28th is Rare Disease Day, a day to raise awareness and improve access to treatment, along with medical representation, for individuals with rare diseases and their families. With one of our own having a child with a rare disease, it was extremely important to volunteer on this day and let families like Laine’s know they are not going through this alone.

“Having been a kid that spent a lot of time in hospitals, it was great to be able to give back to families that were just like mine.”

– Amanda, Customer Account Manager

As CAMs at The School Planner Company, we take great pride in letting our schools know we are always here to help. We often go over and above to ensure we are providing the best service possible to each of our customers. For us, it is always about building and maintaining togetherness, in our community as well as theirs.

“Helping others as a team and giving back to our community is such a great way to spread positivity and hope. It was such a nice experience and I can’t wait to visit again.” 

– Maura, Customer Account Manager

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* The School Planner Company to use information provided for quote and order processing, account management and marketing communication purposes. We will not share your data with any third parties. For further details please view our privacy policy.

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* The School Planner Company to use information provided for quote and order processing, account management and marketing communication purposes. We will not share your data with any third parties. For further details please view our privacy policy.

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* The School Planner Company to use information provided for quote and order processing, account management and marketing communication purposes. We will not share your data with any third parties. For further details please view our privacy policy.

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